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Monday, 17 December 2012 19:23
Cupcake Cone Recipe Ingredients & Quantities125g Self Raising Flour 125g Margarine 125g Caster more
Friday, 10 December 2010 16:32
Potato, Leek and Onion Soup recipeIngredients & Quantities 2 large onions, chopped           more
Saturday, 06 November 2010 19:08
Curried parsnip soup recipeIngredients & Quantities50g Butter1 large onion, chopped1 large garlic, more
Thursday, 28 October 2010 18:34
Chocolate Shorties recipeIngredients & Quantities2 1/2 oz butter 2 1/2 oz lard2 oz caster sugar6 more

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A double boiler is a stovetop apparatus used to cook delicate sauces such as beurre blanc or to melt chocolate without burning or seizing. It is a double-decker saucepan with an upper vessel that fits ...
A roux is a mixture of wheat flour and fat, traditionally clarified butter. It is the thickening agent of three of the mother sauces of classical French cooking: sauce béchamel, sauce velouté, and sauce ...
Spam is a canned precooked meat product. The labeled ingredients in the Classic variety of Spam are: chopped pork shoulder meat with ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, and sodium nitrite to help keep ...
Textured or texturized vegetable protein (TVP), also known as textured soy protein (TSP) is a meat substitute made from defatted soy flour, a by-product of making soybean oil. It is quick to cook, high ...
5. Cupcake Cone Recipe
(School Recipes/Cakes & Biscuits)
... 10 – 15 minutes or until cooked thoroughly 7. Cool on a wire tray 8. Make up the icing by mixing together the icing sugar and water until smooth, add more water if necessary as the amount above is just ...
6. School Dinners
(Dinner News/Real School Dinners)
... at the low end of cheap and quantities can be scaled pretty simply. In fact, there's no excuse really. Get cooking!  ...
7. Curried Parsnip Soup
(School Recipes/Soups)
... curry powder 1 litre hot chicken stock 142ml single cream or milk  salt and pepper Method Melt the butter in a large pan and stir in the onion, garlic, parsnips and potato.  Cover and cook over a medium ...
8. Courgette Soup
(School Recipes/Soups)
... pan, cover with half of the stock or water, bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer for about 15 minutes until half-cooked.. Add the courgette chunks, salt and pepper to taste, chopped oregano and ...
9. School Dinners to be made Free?
(Dinner News/Real School Dinners)
... the school dinner standards dropping. Why this would be is anyone's guess, as the more children taking up a cooked school dinner means more money for the school caterers which should in turn be reinvested ...
10. Cheese Aigrettes
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... to around 360F, portion up the mixture in to balls and drop in to fat. Cook until golden brown and they have risen. Garnish with parsley and paprika.      ...
11. Cheese & Potato Pie
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... and cook the potatoes. Melt the fat and fry the onions until cooked. Reconstitute the dried milk with the potato water, beat in to the mashed potatoes, add the cooked onions and most of the cheese and ...
12. Cheese & Onion Flan
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... Grated Cheese 20g of Margarine 60g of Finely Chopped Onion 2 Eggs 300ml of Water 30g of Dried Milk 1tsp of Mustard Powder Method Line a flan tin with the pastry and crimp the edges. Cook the grated onion ...
13. Nutty Vegetables Crumble
(School Recipes/Vegetarian Dishes)
... Parsley Method Topping: Rub the margarine in to the flour, add the oats and stir in the cheese and nuts. Filling: Melt the margarine and cook the celery, onions, cabbage and carrots without colouring until ...
14. Tilesse Pie
(School Recipes/Vegetarian Dishes)
... of Water (for dried milk) Salt & Pepper to taste 1tblspn of Worcester Sauce 60g of Onions Method Make up the pastry and line a flan tin. Cook lentils and then drain. Fry the onions lightly. Mix together ...
15. Chocolate Cracknell
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... cook gently on a low heat for 20 mins, stirring often to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Place the puffed wheat in to a large bowl and add the chocolate coating mix. Stir the ...
16. Chicken Curry
(School Recipes/Meat Dishes)
... pieces in oil and then add onions continue cooking till onions are transparent and tender and chicken is reasonably well-cooked. Pour spice mixture over the chicken and onions and bring to a boil, stirring ...
17. Pink Custard (Strawberry)
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... dried milk. Leave sufficient water to blend to a thin cream, the cornflour and sugar. Heat the milk mixture to boiling point and cook for 20 minutes. Whisk in the blended cornflour and sugar and cook for ...
18. Shepherd's Pie
(School Recipes/Meat Dishes)
... of cooking oil. 1 beef, lamb or vegetable stock cube. 50 grams of butter. Salt and pepper. 1 large oven casserole dish.   Method  Roughly chop the onion. Heat the oil in the casserole dish. ...
19. Ocean Pie
(School Recipes/Fish Dishes)
Ocean Pie recipe Ingredients & Quantities 500g of Fish Portions 10g of Chopped Parsley and Onions 30g of Cooked chopped Carrot 1 Egg 40g of Grated Cheese Salt & Pepper to taste 750g of Potato 10g of Margarine ...
20. Macaroni Cheese
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water until soft and strain off the water. Reconstitute the dried milk with the water and heat in a double boiler or saucepan. Make a roux with the margarine and flour ...
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