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Monday, 17 December 2012 19:23
Cupcake Cone Recipe Ingredients & Quantities125g Self Raising Flour 125g Margarine 125g Caster more
Friday, 10 December 2010 16:32
Potato, Leek and Onion Soup recipeIngredients & Quantities 2 large onions, chopped           more
Saturday, 06 November 2010 19:08
Curried parsnip soup recipeIngredients & Quantities50g Butter1 large onion, chopped1 large garlic, more
Thursday, 28 October 2010 18:34
Chocolate Shorties recipeIngredients & Quantities2 1/2 oz butter 2 1/2 oz lard2 oz caster sugar6 more

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A roux is a mixture of wheat flour and fat, traditionally clarified butter. It is the thickening agent of three of the mother sauces of classical French cooking: sauce béchamel, sauce velouté, and sauce ...
2. Cupcake Cone Recipe
(School Recipes/Cakes & Biscuits)
... they are tight enough together so that they do not fall over 5. Pour the cake mixture into a piping bag and pipe into the cones so that they are two thirds full 6. Place in a moderate oven and bake for ...
3. Chocolate Shorties
(School Recipes/Cakes & Biscuits)
... add to the mixture with the biscuit crumbs.  Put mixture in baking tin and spread evenly.  Bake at 350F, 180C for 25 minutes.  Whilst still hot cut into squares, then triangles.  Leave in tin to cool. ...
4. Cheese Aigrettes
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... salt together and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and add all the flour, all at once. Stir until the mixture forms a ball, leaving the sides of the pan clean. Turn the mixture in to a mixing bowl, ...
5. Cheese & Potato Pie
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... mustard. Reseve a little cheese for sprinkling over the top. Place the potato mixture in to a greased tin. Sprinkle the reserved cheese over the top. Decorate with a few slices of tomato if desired. Cook ...
6. Cheese & Onion Flan
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
Cheese & Onion Flan recipe Ingredients & Quantities Pastry 90g of Wholemeal Flour 90g of Self Raising Flour 90g of Margarine and Lard mixture (50-50) Pinch of Salt 20ml of Water to mix Filling 280g of ...
7. Chocolate Cracknell
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... cook gently on a low heat for 20 mins, stirring often to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Place the puffed wheat in to a large bowl and add the chocolate coating mix. Stir the ...
8. Chilladas
(School Recipes/Vegetarian Dishes)
... Portion the mixture in to fish cake sizes and then dip in the beaten egg and then the breadcrumbs. Bake in an oven or shallow fry until golden brown.   ...
9. Chicken Curry
(School Recipes/Meat Dishes)
... pieces in oil and then add onions continue cooking till onions are transparent and tender and chicken is reasonably well-cooked. Pour spice mixture over the chicken and onions and bring to a boil, stirring ...
10. Pink Custard (Strawberry)
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... dried milk. Leave sufficient water to blend to a thin cream, the cornflour and sugar. Heat the milk mixture to boiling point and cook for 20 minutes. Whisk in the blended cornflour and sugar and cook for ...
11. Shepherd's Pie
(School Recipes/Meat Dishes)
... the tomato and pepper to the onion. Now fry the minced meat. When it is cooked add the tomato and onion mixture. Dissolve the stock cube in a cup of boiling water and add it to the mixture. Gently ...
12. Chickpea Wellington
(School Recipes/Vegetarian Dishes)
... with the chickpea mixture. Add enough vegetable stock to obtain a firm mixture. Add the seasoning and herbs. Divide the pastry in to two equal portions. Roll each portion of pastry in to a rectangle. Divde ...
13. Macaroni Cheese
(School Recipes/Cheese & Egg)
... and gradually add the hot milk, stirring all the time. Cook for 5-10 minutes. Add the cooked macaroni, all the seasonings and 3/4 of the grated cheese. Turn the mixture in to a greased baking tin, sprinkle ...
14. Eves Pudding
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... Slice the fruit thinly and place in a deep tin with the sugar. Rub the fat in to the flour and add the other dry ingredients. Mix with water to a very slack mixture. Cover the fruit with the sponge mixture ...
15. Easter Eggstravaganza
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... Mini chocolate eggs Method Mix all the dry biscuit ingredients together. Rub in the margarine and work the mixture to form a soft pastry consistency. Roll out on to a lightly floured surface and using ...
16. Fudge Tart
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... add marg and heat till nearly boiling. Blend the remainder of milk with the flour and beat to a smooth paste and add to the milk mixture. add sugar and cook thoroughly untill a smooth finish is obtained. ...
17. Apple Flapjacks
(School Recipes/Cakes & Biscuits)
... Place the grated up apples on the bottom of a flan tin and sprinkle with the sugar. Melt the margarine, sugar and syrup in a suacepan. Stir in the oats and flour and mix well. Spread the mixture evenly ...
18. Yeast Batter
(School Recipes/Miscellaneous)
... yeast and water mixture and leave in a warm place until it doubles its bulk (about 1.5 hours). Break it down and adjust for consistency by adding more water as required.   ...
19. Spam Fritters
(School Recipes/Meat Dishes)
... to form a batter. Cut the spam in to about 8 slices and dip in the batter mixture. Either shallow or deep fry the fritters in oil. For shallow frying, around 2-3 minutes is required for each side. If deep ...
20. Steamed Ginger Pudding
(School Recipes/Desserts & Puddings)
... 70g of Syrup Method Rub the fat in to the flour and add all the dry ingredients, except the bicarbonate of soda. Add the warmed syrup, water and bicarbonate of soda to make a very slack mixture. Turn in ...
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